Speed Cubing

Discover the World of Speed Cubing

The world of speed cubing is a fascinating pursuit for many people. If you want to know more about the sport, you should check out a documentary called The Speed Cubers, which is a documentary about the world’s best speed cubers. It is directed by Sue Kim and focuses on champion Feliks Zemdegs.

Rubik’s Cube

If you’ve ever wondered how people master Rubik’s Cube, you’re not alone. There are hundreds of amateur and professional speed cubers around the world. Even a film about them is possible. The Speed Cubers is a documentary that follows some of the world’s top cubers. The film is directed by Sue Kim and stars Feliks Zemdegs.

The Speed Cubers follows the lives of two of the world’s best speed cubers, Australia’s Feliks Zembegs and the United States’ Max Park. Both boys have won the World Cube Association World Championship twice. While Feliks’s first World Championship came in 2013, Max Park’s second came the following year. The documentary follows the journey of these two cubing athletes as they prepare for the 2019 World Championships.

Rubik’s Connected

Rubik’s Connected speed-cubers are connected to your smart device, allowing you to follow the cube’s movements in real time. The new cubes include Bluetooth connectivity and an app that teaches you the steps needed to solve the puzzle. Moreover, the Connected cubes are wireless, so you can take them on the go.

The Rubik’s Connected Bluetooth 3×3 speed cube, for example, pairs with your phone via Bluetooth. Once paired, the cube records your solves and gives you stats for every rotation. The app also allows you to play mini games and access algorithms. It also comes with a one-year manufacturer’s warranty.

MS Magnetic Speed cube

The MS Magnetic Speed cube is a magnetic 3×3 speed cube from QiYi’s MS line. It features a crisp feel that makes solving a breeze. It’s the best economy cube produced so far, and it’s already gotten the attention of competitive solvers. The plastic is frosted instead of clear, so you get the crispest experience possible.

QiYi’s MS magnetic speed cube is an entry-level model, but it performs nearly as well as the mid-level models. It’s a popular choice for beginner speedcubing, and it’s also available in both a stickerless and stickerered version.

YJ Yulong V2M

If you’re looking for a budget-friendly magnetic speed cube that cuts corners well, the YJ Yulong V2M is a good choice. It has a quality feel to it and factory installed medium-strength magnets to improve stability and overall performance. As an added bonus, this cube is easy to transport and perfect for playing anytime.

Aside from its high quality, the YJ Yulong V2M magnetic speed cube is also easy to use. You can find one online or at a local retail store for an affordable price. While a cheaper one might be cheaper, it may not last as long as a high-end cube from a reputable company.

Feliks Zemdegs

A documentary film on speedcubing champions, Feliks Zemdegs and his team is The Speed Cubers. Directed by Sue Kim, the film tells the stories of these incredible athletes. It is well-made and highly recommended.

Born in Latvia and currently based in Australia, Feliks Zemdegs was inspired to take up speed cubing when he was a kid. His family teaches him the art of speed cubing as a form of therapy. While Feliks is Max’s greatest rival in speed cubing, the two remain close friends despite the fierce competition. They share a passion for the sport and root for each other to win. However, in the end, there can only be one champion.

Max Park

You can learn more about world speedcubing champions through The Speed Cubbers, a documentary by Sue Kim about the world champions of speedcubing. The film follows Feliks Zemdegs, Max Park, and their fellow competitors. It’s a fascinating and inspiring look into these unique athletes’ lives and passions.

The documentary follows Max Park, a man with autism, who developed a love of cubing at a very young age. His parents used cubing as therapy for him, as it helped him develop his fine motor skills. His parents even taught him to make eye contact and wait his turn in line. His father credits the puzzle with teaching his son social skills. He is now ranked 11th in the world in the 3x3x3 division.

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