
AFFF Firefighting Foam Lawsuit

If you’ve been injured while working on a fire, you may be eligible to file an AFFF firefighting foam lawsuit. PFAS is a chemical that is present in AFFF firefighting foam. It is a potential carcinogen that can cause cancer. Many people are worried about suing their employer or former coworkers. Fortunately, an attorney can help you find the manufacturer, and the facts of the case will show the manufacturer is responsible.

PFAS in AFFF firefighting foam

The potential for PFAS in AFFF firefighter foam has prompted federal regulations to limit its use and discharge in firefighting situations. The regulations state that AFFF manufacturers and distributors must post information on the presence of PFAS in their products. The EPA is also required to issue new standards for pretreatment and effluents, and phase out PFAS-containing products.

As a result of the widespread use of AFFF firefighting foam, the chemicals found in AFFF are found in groundwater and may be contaminating the environment. Some of these PFAS-containing compounds can lead to a range of diseases, including cancer. In addition, airfields are a potential source of contamination, especially because AFFF often washes down storm drains.

The EPA has issued a health advisory on the risks of PFAS in firefighting foam, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has also released studies that link the chemicals to kidney and testicular cancer in animals. Additionally, the American Cancer Society has listed the chemicals in AFFF firefighting foam as human carcinogens.

As a result, manufacturers and sellers of AFFF have fought hard to protect their market and prevent competition. As a result, the new formulation contains no PFOS or PFOA. Instead, it uses a group of chemicals closely related to PFAS.

While PFAS are banned in many countries, the United States is still importing PFAS-based AFFF manufactured prior to 2004. The PFOS-based AFFF produced by 3M Corporation has been phased-out, but some older foam made to meet military specifications may still contain this chemical. PFOA-based AFFF is also used, but was phased out in 2015.

A number of Department of Defense (DOD) facilities have been contaminated with PFAS and have migrated onto nearby properties. The DOD has compiled a list of 651 sites and is doing a comprehensive assessment of PFAS use and potential releases. It has also formed a task force to address the issue.

Although the PFAS-based AFFF is no longer in use by the military, civilian firefighters continue to use the chemical. There are studies that show that PFAS-containing AFFF can cause cancer in firefighters. Additionally, runoff from AFFF can contaminate drinking water.

The regulations for PFAS-containing firefighting foam have strict restrictions. They limit the use of these chemicals for training and in firefighting. Additionally, manufacturers must implement proper containment, treatment and disposal procedures. If an accidental release of PFAS occurs, the manufacturer must reimburse those who purchased it.

Although PFAS-containing AFFF is still widely used, there is evidence that it may contribute to various cancers. These chemicals remain in the air and in the blood of people for a long time, and they have been linked to many types of cancer. Those affected by these chemicals can file a lawsuit against the manufacturers of AFFF firefighting foam.

Other countries have recognized the risks of AFFF and have moved toward fluorine-free alternatives. While they lack the same AFFF-like properties as AFFF, these alternatives offer greater protection for firefighters and the environment. They also require upgrades and modifications to existing fire protection systems.

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